Photo-Electrochemical Systems

Photo-electrochemistry covers many areas where photons comprise the fundamental functionality within a device or system, either through the emission or absorption of them (or both). New materials are developed all the time to harness the value of photo-electrochemical principals. Liquid crystalline displays (LCDs), light emitting diodes (LEDs), and organic light emitting …

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Corrosion Monitoring & Prevention

Corrosion is one of most prominent phenomena dealing with the aging of materials. In many brachnes of industry and science, corrosion plays a subtle yet key role affecting processes ranging from the moving parts of complicated mechanical systems or the packaging of food. Research on steel, concrete, and corrosion under environmental conditions, …

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Solar Cell Research & Optimization

Zahner’s CIMPS and QE/IPCE workstations, which utilize a combination of a Zennium workstation and external potentiostat powering a lightsource, are well-known within the solar PV research community as among the best equipment available to carry out the investigation of silicon solar cells (SC), dye sensitized SC, perovskite SC, Grätzel SC, organic photovoltaics …

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Energy Storage & Conversion Systems

Research on batteries, fuel cells, electrolysis cells and supercapacitors fall into this application category. Determination of State-of-Charge/State-of-Health (SOC/SOH) and of current and power density are performed on a routine basis using AC and DC measurement methods. Recording true parallel Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) data of stacked cells is of prime …

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